Saturday, April 14, 2012

Long time - No see

Most of our small group (or at least it felt like most) went on the Ukraine trip. So for their first time back to our regular Thursday night happenings, we grilled burgers, played cornhole, heard Ukraine stories, and watched a fireball attack Micah. You know - the usual. 

The burgers weren't cooking properly (as you can see - this was after they had been on the grill for a long while). 
Micah decided to check the hose connected to the propane tank. I'll let you assume the rest. According to onlookers, the fireball hit him in the face and rolled down his back. Luckily, only his hair, beard and eyebrows were a bit singed. "It looked like someone threw cocoa powder in his face." one witness said. He was under shock for a good while, but no serious injuries or burns were reported. His hair will be as good as new (or just new) by the time his wedding roles around in June. 
This is Micah pre-fireball playing cornhole with Jared. (Little did they know what was about to take place.)
Me and Liz - Couldn't wait for her to get back home.
Even Duke, our group mascot, was just thrilled everyone was home!

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