Thursday, October 21, 2010

Young Guns

Nope. Not the great film starring future Mighty Duck, Emilio Estevez and Jack Bauer. I'm talking about my hopes and dreams when I was in my teens and early twenties.

See, I was always intrigued by young guns. Guys who wrote great books or music, led great ministries or started companies that impacted the world in some great way. I always wanted to be that. To be young and to be known for something great that impacted the world.

This has changed significantly in the past year. Marriage changed it all.

People aren't generally impressed by couples who wed early. Two of my best friends got married early in college and I remember them talking about the sideways looks they got when people found out they were twenty and married. It's a sad commentary, but they've been married now for seven years and that impresses people. It will be even more impressive in thirty, forty, and fifty years.

The same goes for Reagan and me. The newlywed time has been great. We got married relatively young but I don't care about that. What I care about is if God gives us sixty more years I want those to be spent with her.

I'm far less impressed with young guns. I'm impressed by Billy Graham. I'm impressed by John Piper. I'm impressed by Floyd Johnson. These men love Jesus. And they've loved Jesus for decades.

Don't give me fame now. Give me a heart and passion for my Jesus in sixty years. Give me wisdom to recognize the pitfalls that have already captured some of the young guns I've known. 

These were some of the last words from Paul, and I plead with God that someday, a long time from now I can say the same.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing." 2 Timothy 4.7-8


  1. This post reminded me of an elevator ride in Chicago. We were leaving a dinner for all of the music grad students at the University of Chicago right before school started. We were talking to someone in Jake's class of newcomers in the afore mentioned metal box, but there was a female professor and two farther along in their programs males students along for the ride. When we mentioned we were on our way to pick up our 19-month-old daughter, Jake's classmate was happily surprised. The other three, as if we were across a room and they were talking quietly in disapproval began a conversation about how they always thought it was better when people waited to have children - wait until they're more stable - because it's better for the children. Then she said she was around 40 when she had hers, and the other two childless, single guys smiled, and nodded in approval. I was so excited when we got to the ground floor and those doors opened. There are so many different ways, but in the end, you're right: If you're still holding onto the things that matter most, you've taken the right path.

  2. Great post very insightful! We miss you guys but know that this is where God is beginning those many years loving each other and serving him.
