Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reagan's 24th Birthday

 For my birthday, Jared spoiled me all day. He made me french toast for breakfast (one of my faves). Then he let me open my presents as soon as we finished. I had asked for a sewing machine for all the art projects and craft projects I have been dying to do! I'm so excited and can't wait to get started!

He also bought me a card with Tina Fey (MY HERO!) on the front with her saying, "I want to go to there..." when you open it! I say that quote all the time, and no one ever knows what I'm talking about. I love my husband! He knows me so well! I'm going to keep this card FOREVER! Check it out!
For lunch he made me the most amazing steaks EVER! He is so talented when it comes to grilling steaks. I love it!

For my birthday cake, he bought Cake Batter Ice Cream Cupcakes from Coldstone! They were fantastic! Just typing about it makes me want to go into the kitchen and have another.
After lunch we went to the movies and saw The Social Network. Amazing film! You should definitely go see it!

Then for desert (again! But hey! It's my birthday! I can have desert twice in a day!), he took me to The Melting Pot for chocolate fondue. The Melting Pot holds a special place in our hearts because it was the first restaurant we ate at as husband and wife. I am blessed beyond measure to have the greatest husband in the world.

And it has to be said, that as I type at this very moment he thinks he's being funny by torturing me with slobbery kisses. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a pretty fun birthday, Rea! The Melting Pot sounds so yummy... we've never been. Also, can't wait to see what you create with your new sewing machine!!
