Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life Lessons VS Prosperity Gospel

Yesterday, while Jared was at work, I was picking up things around the house and washing the dishes when my door bell rang. I answered to a blonde haired, soft spoken boy about the age of 8 with a red dolly behind him.

"Would you like me to take your trash out?" He gently asked.

The reason behind this is that our area of duplexes share a trash dumpster that certain occupants such has ourselves have to hike up a hill and walk half a mile to get to. The kid was nervous and from my deducing had probably been told by his parents to go around the neighborhood and has ask each resident if they were in need of some help.

"Wow" I thought. "This kid's parents know what they're doing."
"Thank you so much," I answered, "But I think my husband just took it out."

"Okay." He replied as he turned around to grab the dolly.

Jared arrived home about an hour later, and as we sat down to eat our lunch, I told him what happened. We both thought about the times our parents had told us to do something, and we had thought, "Why in the world are they making us do this!!!" Unbeknown to us, they were teaching us life lessons.

We knew the kid was feeling the same way, but could see in is future a day when he will see someone in need and actually do something about it.

"His dad is going to be a great pastor." I said. We both laughed and continued to eat when the door bell rang once more.

Jared answered this time to two other boys slightly old and bigger than the one an hour before. One of the boys, carrying a frog in a plastic aquarium immediately belted, "We can take your trash out for 50 cents!"

Jared paused and said, "Uh, thank you, but we're good."

"Okay." The kid and his friend took off; Jared shut the door and looked at me with his quizzical look. We couldn't hold our laughs in anymore.

Little did we know we were going to have Danny Akin and then Benny Hinn knock on our door in the very same day.

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