Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 17

Baby J is the size of an onion! Baby's cartilage is turning to bone and fat is beginning to accumulate as development continues (Both Jared and I were pretty chunky so he's got a lot to accumulate). Both the fingers and toes are developing fingerprints! (ipregnant app)

I am doing much better. Nausea is still knocking me down from time to time, but I haven't thrown up in a week! I'm so thankful; now, if we could just get the nausea and fatigue to go away. I feel like I've taken more naps in this past week than I ever have in my life. I've never been a napper, yet I took two today! 

I think I've felt the baby move. Multiple times it's been bubbles or little movements here and there. However, the other night I threw myself on our bed right after we walked in the door from being gone all day, and I'm guessing Baby J didn't like that because he/she poked me twice. It was so fun!

A week from tomorrow we are found out if Baby J is a she or a he. We cannot wait!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing when you start feeling baby move?! You look awesome, Reagan. I hope your nausea passes soon. Thinking about you guys and wish we could be there for all the fun baby stuff!
