Monday, November 21, 2011

Test Results

We finally got results back from the OBGYN today. My hCG levels dropped even further which validates the assumption of a miscarriage. We are doing very well considering the circumstances, and super thankful that during this process, my body is doing what it needs to do.

We have been preparing ourselves for this. It doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt, but we are doing our best to carry on and go about our days as usual. My body still needs some time to heal, and we've been so thankful for our small group in sending us meals this past week. My Finster Family (the family I nanny for) let me have this week off, and I couldn't be more appreciative. I love them so much and miss the kids like crazy. Matthew hasn't missed a night to pray for me. He was with me when I found out about my uncle, and he was with Jared when I called him about the bleeding. Through both situations, he couldn't stop asking if I was okay. "Ms. Reagan, are you happy?" "Is Ms. Reagan, okay?" He has the sweetest, caring heart.

I personally want to thank you all for your prayers and support. Jared and I have heard of (and even felt at times) all the prayers that have gone out on our behalf. The love that has been poured out, has left us speechless at times. I praise God for placing such wonderful people in our lives. I've loved the text messages and emails from you all. Each one meant a great deal, just to know that we were in your thoughts and prayers.

Please continue to pray for our family, as the death of my uncle has longer lasting effects on all of us. Everyday life is what's going to be the hardest, especially for my Aunt Carla.

Blessings to you all,


  1. We love you guys. Thanks for updating us and we'll continue to be praying for sure.

    Vaughn and Tracey

  2. Praying for you very sorry

    James and Sarah Sorensen

  3. We are praying for you, too, Reagan. We love you and Jared.
    Tasha and Dustin
