My name is Matthew. M-A-T-T-H-E-W. Do you know how to spell M-A-T-T-H-E-W? I do. M-A-T-T-H-E-W.
~ Teaching Matthew how to pray ~
Matt: Do I say, "Dear God,"?
Me: Sure
Matt: Then do I say, "Thank you for our food."?
Me: Yes
Matt: And.. "Bless it."?
Me: Right
Matt: Then "Amen."?
Me: You got it!
Matt: Okay.... Dear, God. Thank you for our food. And bless it. Then amen.
~ On this particular day, I'm wearing rust colored tights ~
Matt: What happened to your legs, Miss Reagan! What happened to your legs!
Me: (Confused at first) Ummm... OH! Nothing, these are tights! They're just colored that way. It's not my skin.
Matt: Tights... tights... tights... You mean like Teen Titans!?!?
~ BFF's ~
Who is your best friend?
Matt: Emma
Who is your best friend at school?
Matt: Sydney
Who is your best guy friend at school?
Matt: Jared
He doesn't go to your school!
Matt: No, but he takes me sometimes.