Thursday, November 17, 2011

We've Had a Very Long 72 Hours.

Reagan and I have both wanted to get back into blogging. This is not exactly what I had in mind.

First, I cannot begin to express how much we appreciate all of your prayers from the last few days. God has sustained us and our family and it is clearly evident.

I'll begin with Reagan's family. We found out Tuesday that her uncle, who has been an amazing blessing to her and to me in the short time I've known him, tragically passed away. We were, and are shattered. We have questions, most of which will never have answers, but it reminds me again of God's grace. We cannot run far enough away from God for him to forsake us. Please know that. Know that God's grace is far bigger than any problem you're facing and find your rest in Him. I'm done preaching... for now.

Last weekend we found out Reagan was pregnant. We were stoked. We waited a few days and told some very close friends and then our families. She has been having back pains for a few days so she's been taking it easy. She woke up yesterday with some blood and by noon it had gotten worse. We took her to Wake Med and Sherry Meachum and Michelle Reid came with us. Their help and comfort in all this was a crutch we both needed to lean on.

It took several hours but we finally got in to see a doctor. They came in and told us that the urine test they took at the hospital revealed she wasn't pregnant. Obviously both of us were confused and embarrassed. They told us to hang tight until they got the blood work back. The blood work came back as a positive. Total confusion.

They decided to do an ultrasound because she had some tenderness on one side. That meant one of three things: It was a miscarriage, it was a tubal pregnancy, or she had a cyst on one ovary. They ruled out the cyst so they were concerned.

The ultrasound was inconclusive.

So we went home a little after midnight.

Right now we are just staying at home for a few days. We go back tomorrow for a couple more tests. The doctors feel like it is a miscarriage but we will know more in a couple of days.

Thank you so much for your prayers, phone calls and text messages. Sorry I couldn't reply to everyone but know that we read them and cherish them. We have far more peace then we should. Continue to pray for us and for Reagan's family.

Jared and Reagan

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