Friday, November 18, 2011


Today we went for what will hopefully be our last blood test. My arms are all bruised from having blood drawn several times plus having an IV as well. We will find out results on Monday. If my hCG level goes down any further, then we are 100% it's a miscarriage. We're pretty sure it already has gone down from when I first did the home pregnancy test, but the doctor's want to be thorough, and they also want to rule out a tubal pregnancy and\or infections.

On the California front, my family is doing as well as can be. I got to talk to my aunt today. She sounded strong, but I think it just still isn't reality for any of us.

The doctor recommended that I not travel with the condition that I'm in. So, needless to say, it's been difficult to sit here, feeling helpless, when all I want to do is be with my family. However, Jared and I are completely at peace and know we're where we're supposed to be. Yet, that doesn't mean it isn't a struggle. Tomorrow is the funeral at 11:00 A.M. PT. That's 2:00 PM our time, so Jared and I are going to take some time and spend it in prayer for my family, specifically my Aunt Carla; my cousins Joe and James; their wives Nancy and Cheri; and their children Breanna, Austin, Justin, Andrew, and Nicholas.

Thank you all for all your prayers, thoughts, and support. We are so blessed to have so many people across the country, praying for us and our family. This will never be forgotten. God's grace and love has been poured out on us. May someday He use us to do the same for someone else in need.

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